In his works, he engages with the topics of simulation, substitution and reference as applied to the phenomenon of how the imagery itself tantalises the viewer.

His artistic interest revolves around the hidden or generally unrealised patterns of social, cultural and political behaviour, approached from the conceptual angle. He often uses the aesthetics of minimalistic language to communicate.

His works are marked by ambiguity and the relationship between medium and politics. Lives and works in Warsaw, Poland.

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Demerger is a story of the race for land and space in the North of Sudan. How archeologists compete with government, foreign companies, farmers and gold seekers. How the appropriation of different philosophies and narrations leads to the appropriation of the space itself.

The disintegration of Sudan into two separate countries was forced by China and USA and results in far-reaching consequences for the whole Horn of Africa. Northern Sudan, after the loss of a large portion of the revenues from oil in the borderland with what is now the South Sudan, is desperately looking for new sources of income.

It includes building of series of dams on the Nile to acquire hydroelectricity. As a result, water reservoirs start to occupy agricultural land – the only fertile belt along the Nile. This causes the necessity to resettle people living along shores and to find them new sources of income.

Not only farmers and Sudanese government (backed by foreign construction companies) are taking part in the race for the land. Also, gold seekers and archaeologists join it. Economic turmoil after the state demerger and increase in gold prices attract people from all over Sudan, who transform the desert into hundreds of open pit mines. Archaeologists are coming to take part in the rescue action to unearth and save traces of past civilizations; before the water comes. They are attracted by the portage – a non-existent outside of the Sudan system, that allows taking to the home museums part of excavated artifacts.

Despite co-existence within the same space, all of them refer to different values and construct different narrations to establish the importance of their actions. Although they share the same subjective treatment of space, they reveal diverging approaches to the land and its resources. They experience the same space but live different times.

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